Self-Care During the Holidays

Posted by Jason Ball
On November 5, 2020

Here are some ideas that may help you feel better.

  • Go for a walk outdoors
  • Write a love letter
  • Journal about something that makes you happy
  • Create a happy playlist and a coping playlist
  • Treat yourself to your favorite snack
  • Watch a good movie
  • Forgive someone
  • Forgive yourself
  • Say thank you to someone who has helped you with something important
  • Create a DIY self-care kit of things that make you feel better
  • Take your medication on time
  • Take a new fitness class at the gym (yoga, Zumba, etc.)
  • Plan a lunch date with someone you haven’t seen in a while
  • Pamper yourself with an at-home spa day
  • Take a day off from social media and the Internet
  • Reach out to your support system
  • Cuddle with your pets or a friend’s pet
  • Take the time to stop, stand and stretch for 2 minutes
  • Wake up earlier and enjoy your a morning cup of coffee before starting your day
  • Take a hot bath
  • Treat yourself to dinner
  • Volunteer in the community
  • Start a project you’ve been putting off
  • Sit with your emotions, and allow yourself to feel and accept those feelings.Laugh, cry it’s ok
  • Cook a meal from scratch
  • Give yourself permission to say no
  • De-clutter your mind: write down 5 things that are bothering you, and then throw the paper away
  • Donate 3 pieces of clothing taking up space in your closet
  • Take 5 minutes to identify 5 beautiful things 5 times per day
  • Take the day off
  • Take a power nap
Jason Ball
Jason Ball is a transplant from Texas and the owner/chief storyteller at GW Creative, a design agency specializing in branding and website creation. He has a B.A in Music Composition from Centre College and hangs out in the clarinet section of the Harbor Winds. Jason loves great food, dark beer, and backpacking around the Olympic Peninsula with his wife and daughter.

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